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Words On The End of Waiting

At the end of the wait

At the time the sun went to go

As the sky brings the horizon up

That's when I started to miss

Want to be waiting for me

Long waiting in my days

About you

About my imagination

In each of my hands

That always tempts my days

With an unshakable feeling

By another feeling in this heart

Just one of my hopes

One of my dreams

Prayer is one of my goals

That is

Found you

Found the figure of my heart that I desire

My wanderers' dreams

to be able to treat all my longing

Longing for the never ending of time

                                                                                    By : ELZ

Do you have the same taste as me?

In my silence waiting for you. ,,

"In my prayer awaits you my prospective imam"

"You're far away

Are you aware?

There's someone waiting for you

Here. "

"Never judge a person from his past

For the future is still waiting "

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